Friday, 21 March 2008

A few scraps on Orkut!

Actual transcripts of a conversation (through scraps) that i had with this lame ass punk... It's hilarious! I'm checking my scraps and going through the usual - whazzzzaaasss and the "Hi, how's it goings???" When i come across this -

Harsh: are u asian?

I was like "huh?" Is this guy for real? So i replied -

Maxim: Aren't you?

I thought he'd get the point with that... I don't even know this guy and he goes through my profile and even scraps me the dumbest thing anyone could think of. 48 hours later -

Harsh: im not asian lol just asking, no hard feelings

So i was like -

Maxim: Well, Newsflash! If you are an Indian you are Asian by default!

Guess what i have on my scrapbook three days later (20th March 2008)?

Harsh: no indians are caucaseans
ilike me

What in the name of...??? Is this guy playing stupid or is he truly being himself? OK, now I've been through this guys profile and he's a 19 year old kid... I thought I'd better enlighten him before he gets ridiculed by... well people in general...

Maxim: Errr... Firstly the right spelling for that word is 'Caucasian' and secondly i would advise you to check that word in the dictionary or run it on Google or something before you choose to display your ignorance and have people ridicule you!

And he's like -

Harsh: u chinese shit

At this point i still haven't lost my patience (or have i?) So still smiling, i typed -

Maxim: I'm really sorry! It's hard to discern whether you are angry at me or whether you are teasing me or insulting me without the appropriate punctuation or smiley used in your scrap! I do hope you looked "Caucasian" up before telling someone else that you're one... It would certainly be a huge embarrassment! I mentioned about your ignorance to my friends and they laughed their asses off... Why do you think I've still kept your scraps in my scrapbook? It's hilarious to see someone, reasonably educated, make a fool of himself like that! Narrows down your career options greatly as well!!! LoL :P

Within seconds -

Harsh: oh ffs, plz

I think he's finally found something that i don't understand. I throw in the towel -

Maxim: Never mind!

People like this do exist... I've finally become a believer! I'm surely documenting more of such freaks that i encounter... Well he's still not bright enough to delete his scraps from my scrapbook so feel free to access his account through his scraps if you have nothing better to do... Also readers are requested to light a candle and whisper a little prayer for this person who has lost his mind... It's a terrible loss indeed!

P.S.: I'm such a sarcastic ba$!^#d!


Anonymous said...

heeheehee.. hilarious.. pls put rakhi sawant next.. big request..
- your fav cuz..

Jonita said...

seriously dat ws fun n the guy u encountered in ur scrapbook i mus say heez the weirdest lol ever

Janvi Gandhi said...

Hahaha..This was really funny maxi! I wonder why you even bothered to reply. And I think social networking websites are really bringing out the madness in people. Or perhaps turning them mad? You should see the friend requests girls get. Big chuts some men are!
(hope u remember me ? )

WeirdISgooD said...

LOL...really varrry smart peoples around aren't there...once i randomly logged onto a chat...and there was this guy asking me whether i was "coloured". I said yeah, I'm purple.

Max, write about working in a call centre more, maybe make it a story. I enjoyed that piece.